There are many different types of public land in Garrett County, Maryland, each with their own unique conservation, recreation and commercial enterprise opportunities. This page draws information primarily from the 2022 Garrett County Land Preservation, Parks, and Recreation Plan and various Maryland Department of Natural Resources web pages, and is designed to bring you factual information about our shared public spaces. If you believe that information presented here is incorrectly cited or from an outdated source, please reach out to us so we can review your feedback and make any necessary changes.
State Wild Land Systems in Garrett County- State Designated Wild Lands are designated by the General Assembly as wildlands areas.
- These lands are managed for passive recreation such as, including hiking, hunting, fishing, bird watching, horseback riding and nature interpretation.
- Ten of the State’s 38 designated wildlands are in Garrett County totaling 15,909 acres. Most of these sites are classified as Type 1, meaning a primitive area which by its size and location is in effect untouched by urban civilization and can offer the experience of solitude and self-reliance.
- Type 1 wildlands are usually lands located at higher elevations that protect watersheds and are ecologically vulnerable to human interferences.
State Park Systems in Garrett County- "Ten State parks are found in Garrett County. Most offer picnic, and fishing areas, while all but Casselman River State Park have hiking paths. Mountain bike paths, swimming areas, and boat launches and rentals are available at Deep Creek, Herrington Manor and New Germany State Parks, and the last two have rental cabins available. Big Run, Deep Creek, Herrington Manor and New Germany State Parks offer canoeing, while campsites may be found at Big Run, Deep Creek, New Germany, and Swallow Falls State Parks. Wolf Den Run State Park is the first State Park to have trails for off-highway vehicles."- MD DNR Website